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For many people in Atlanta, summer vacation starts in a couple of weeks. As things slowly return to normal, families will begin hitting the road, heading to the beach or hanging out at the neighborhood pools. Maybe the kids will go off to summer camp giving you a much needed break. And after the past

Mother’s Day is this weekend so send mom, or someone who deserves a break from cooking, a Fresh N Fit Cuisine gift card. Available in any amount, our gift certificates are the perfect way to show your appreciation. Our chefs make meal prepping easy with 5 menus to choose from and then conveniently delivered to your

Fresh N Fit continues to feature various trainers, motivators and professionals from around Atlanta to help keep you feeling inspired, which is crucial especially during these times of uncertainty. Our latest installment is with Anna Huffman from Dietitian Meets Dumbbell. A registered dietitian and nutrition coach, Anna is committed to helping others build muscle in addition to improving

Children who participate in exercise can develop a variety of physical, mental and social skills in fun, playful ways. Children and teenagers need 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day, or most days. This might seem like a lot of time, but it adds up! Parents can model healthy habits by finding

Need a Spring Cleaning of your diet? Let our chefs make meal prepping easy with 5 menus to choose from and then conveniently delivered to your doorstep or one of our pickup locations every week. Keep reading because we’ve got an exclusive offer for all our blog readers, but here’s a few of our favorites that