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The good news is that you survived not only the holidays but the past year as well. That’s a huge relief, but with the kids heading back to school (virtually or otherwise) and you getting back into your work schedule, the new year routine can be a little overwhelming but it’s also the perfect time

Love ‘em or hate ‘em, New Year’s resolutions are a good thing. If you struggle to believe that, it’s probably because of a history of failed resolutions. This year, however, you owe it to yourself to become the new person you want to be, especially since 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for many.

This holiday season, consider how your holiday plans can be altered to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For ideas and recommendations on modifications you can make to make your holiday gathering safer, visit the CDC website.  Hosting a holiday party looks a little different this year but you can still try some of our favorite seasonal food

This holiday season, consider how your holiday plans can be altered to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For ideas and recommendations on modifications you can make to holiday gathering safer, visit the CDC website.    Food is as much a part of holiday gatherings as football, decorations and carols. This holiday season, keep food safety in mind every

This holiday season, consider how your holiday plans can be altered to reduce the spread of COVID-19. For ideas and recommendations on modifications you can make to make your holiday gathering safer, visit the CDC website.    Enjoying food with family and friends is one of the highlights of the holiday season and while everyone wants to join